Available courses

Project management is a distinct area of management that helps in handling projects. It

has three key features to distinguish it from other forms of management and they include: a

project manager, the project team and the project management system. The project

management system comprises organization structure, information processing and decision-

making and the procedures that facilitate integration of horizontal and vertical elements of the organisation.The project management system focuses on integrated planning and


This course is an enquiry into the origins, development, and spread of the English language. It looks at the major periods of English development namely Old English, Middle English and Modern English. Major topics to be examined will include source and nature of English vocabulary, discrepancy between spelling and pronunciation, the spread of English to the world, varieties of English in the world: British, American, Canadian, West African, Australian and New Zealand. Other topics will include English as an international language, English as a global language, the future of English and Standard English.


This course has 20 credits

Down you can see course syllabus 

This course of the History of Rwanda aims at acquainting students with practical knowledge, understanding and critical thinking of the historical events that took place in Rwanda from the pre-colonial, colonial post independency, the 1994 genocide against the Abatutsi to present.  main topics to cover include:

1. The definition and importance of studying history

2.  Various sources of history of Rwanda, 

3. The settlement of Rwanda (migration theories)

4. Rwandan clans and the clan-based entities/states in pre-colonial Rwanda

5. The foundation of the United Kingdom of Rwanda under the Abanyiginya Dynasty

 6.  The social-cultural, economic, military and political organization of the Rwanda Kingdom

7. Rwanda's first contact with European colonizers

 8. The colonial period(Germans, Belgians, Missionaries, colonial administration, colonial reforms(education, agriculture, health, administration, colonial impact)

9. The road to independence(Mise au point-point in focus, Hutu manifesto, political parties, death of King Mutara III Rudahigwa, the 1959 political upheavals and its consequences, the 1959 referendum, general assembly elections, the time of independence)

10.  The post independent Rwanda (first and the second republics characteristics)

11.  The 1990-1994 period(RPA/RPF, political parties, Abatutsi massacres in Bugesera and Bigogwe, Arusha Peace talks, cease fire, formation of the national unity government, the crash of late President Habyarimana's plane)

12. The 1994 genocide against the Abatutsi(causes, preparation course, end, international response)

13.  The post genocide era(The establishment of the National unity government, social, political, education, health, economic, and justice reforms, refugees rehabilitation and settlements, healing the wounds of the 1994 genocide against the Abatutsi effects

This course offers a concise overview of the world of business.  Emphasis is placed on the following: Ownership, risk, production, finance, and the financial system, marketing, human resource, and the effect of government on business.  To build on the understanding of contemporary business and its environment; management, organization, marketing, and financing the organization.

This course provides a comprehensive analysis of individual and group behavior in organizations. Its purpose is to provide an understanding of how organizations can be managed more effectively and at the same time enhance the quality of employees work life. Topics include motivation, rewarding behavior, stress, individual and group behavior, conflict, power and politics, leadership, job design, organizational structure, decision making, communication and organizational change and development.

The course seeks to develop understanding of the geographic nature of urban and rural systems and the internal spatial patterns and activities in cities and in rural areas. This course is composed by theoretical part and is targeting to study urban and rural spaces. This course intends to help learners to understand urban and rural spaces and their interactions. It also aims to help students to understand different theories, models, principals and practices of rural and urban settlement planning. It will be focusing on the following topics: Urban areas:  Evolution of urban centers, factors of urbanization, major problems of urban centers and their solution; internal structure of cities, economic activities and relationship between urban and rural areas. Rural areas: types of rural settlement, characteristics, factors, advantages and disadvantages of rural settlements, problems affecting rural settlements, government policy towards rural settlement; Case studies of some rural and urban areas of developed and developing countries. 

The content of this course comprises the following aspects:  Geography of Africa Description the Physical landscape of Africa: position, size, shape, geological basis, geomorphology, topography, climate, water resources, vegetation, and related animal and insect life. Desertification; cultural genesis and the processes of diffusion and territorial organization, Factors of economic and social modernization: population, Mining, agriculture/livestock, fishing, forest resources, industrialization, transport, communications, urbanization, energy resources and tourism. Trade and Regional common markets; continent-wide economic co-operation and international integration, hindrances and prospects for development of Africa.

The course focuses on Earth and Universe, classification and characteristics of main materials of the earth crust. The contents of this course comprises the following aspects: universe (meaning, components constellations and galaxies), solar system (meaning, characteristics of the components of solar system: sun, planets and satellites, asteroids, comets, meteoroids, meteorites). Understanding the earth (theories about the origin, shape, size, diameter, circumference, volume, mass and gravity of the earth). Composition of matter, its gravitation and magnetic fields, seismology and deep structure of the earth, heat flow, methods of geophysical exploration. The geophysical basis of plate tectonic and sea floor spreading, rocks (rocks types and their characteristics, rocks’ composition, economic importance of rocks), mineralogy (types of minerals, their chemical and physical properties). Petrography and Stratigraphy.  

This course explores the world of financial derivatives and their role in modern financial markets. Financial derivatives are powerful instruments that allow market participants to manage risk, speculate on price movements, and enhance portfolio performance. The course provides a comprehensive understanding of various types of derivatives, their pricing mechanisms, and their applications in risk management and investment strategies.

This course serves as an introduction to the foundational principles of real estate and the financial mechanisms that drive the real estate market. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the key elements involved in real estate transactions, development, and financing. The course will cover theoretical concepts as well as practical applications through case studies, ensuring students are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for navigating the dynamic real estate industry.

The course is theoretical and practical; building on principles of research designs, this course aims to extend and deepen the understanding of different research approaches and methodologies in order to prepare students for their own research projects in their business discipline as important requirement of the course. The course will be carried out using the Research Manual of AUCA, as well as in-class lectures. The development of Business Research Methods attempts the change in some level of participants “from student to researcher”.

A study of the role and nature of the human resource management forms of capital, history and the main function: human resource planning, staffing, training, education, evaluation, compensation, labour relations etc. Prerequisite: BSAD 215 Principles of management

Intermediate Accounting II will focus on the measurement and reporting of stockholders' equity and specialized areas including investments, leases, income taxes, revenue recognition issues, pensions and post-retirement benefits, the statement of cash flows, and accounting for changes and error analysis.

This course introduces the student to the basic theory and practice of procurement. It will describe the evolution of procurement, different types of procurement, methods of procurement, factors affecting procurement management, procurement process including procurement plan, bidding procedures, contract management, ethics in procurement management and finally introduction to supply chain and inventory management. Field trip or public lectures will help students to understand the course in a practical manner.

In simple terms, financial management is the business function that deals with investing the available financial resources in a way that greater business success and return-on-investment (ROI) is achieved. Financial management professionals plan, organize and control all transactions in a business. They focus on sourcing the capital whether it is from the initial investment by the entrepreneur, debt financing, venture funding, public issue, or any other sources. Financial management professionals are also responsible for fund allocation in an optimized way to ensure greater financial stability and growth for the organization.

My name is Innocent Karemera and I will be your instructor for the course. I am looking forward to a terrific semester with you.

I want to welcome everyone, and I would encourage you to post a short informal hello message in the "Introductions" discussion forum to let me know you received my welcome message, and to briefly introduce yourself to your fellow classmates.

This course will have regular weekly assignments due, weekly online discussions forums, as well as readings and course materials. This is not a self-paced course--it's important that you keep on top of the weekly reading and assignments!

Each of you must manage your own time each week to know when assignments, and any other weekly course obligations, are due. This will involve regularly logging into the system to check discussion forums and communications, monitoring your campus email address, and virtually interacting with classmates, team members, instructors, and course materials.

As you get started, I'm happy to answer any questions that may arise, or point you to our tech support for more technical questions. Please post your specific questions about the class in the Getting Started forum or directly to our WhatsApp group.

I look forward to working with you this semester and getting off to a strong start!

Innocent Karemera

Course Facilitator

The study and research methods’ content includes the whole content of the book: P O W E R —Learning and Your Life, Essentials of Student Success of Robert S. Feldman (University of Massachusetts, Amhert). Are included in the course content description, the academic writing, style, and computer formatting… the time management, the note-taking and the use of the library, the choice of a topic and the necessary forms to be used in the presentation of the topic request and the research proposal and approval. Hence, the definition of the research problem, the hypothesis variables, the phases of a research process, the sampling techniques, data collection techniques, results presentation and discussion techniques, and the styles for presenting the references will be discussed according to APA style.


As an initiation course. The course introduces students to good ways of studying and doing research in an academic institution like AUCA. In sum, the Course of Study and Research Methods introduces the student to academic studies by teaching the student the organization of the material to learn. The student is called to be as creative as possible basing his efforts of study methods on what the instructor will elaborate with the student during all the class sessions. Books that highlight different ways/methods on how to study, will be available for students to use in class and outside of the classroom.

The study and research methods’ content includes the whole content of the book: P O W E R —Learning and Your Life, Essentials of Student Success of Robert S. Feldman (University of Massachusetts, Amhert). Are included in the course content description, the academic writing, style, and computer formatting… the time management, the note-taking and the use of the library, the choice of a topic and the necessary forms to be used in the presentation of the topic request and the research proposal and approval. Hence, the definition of the research problem, the hypothesis variables, the phases of a research process, the sampling techniques, data collection techniques, results presentation and discussion techniques, and the styles for presenting the references will be discussed according to APA style.


As an initiation course. The course introduces students to good ways of studying and doing research in an academic institution like AUCA. In sum, the Course of Study and Research Methods introduces the student to academic studies by teaching the student the organization of the material to learn. The student is called to be as creative as possible basing his efforts of study methods on what the instructor will elaborate with the student during all the class sessions. Books that highlight different ways/methods on how to study, will be available for students to use in class and outside of the classroom.

The study and research methods’ content includes the whole content of the book: P O W E R —Learning and Your Life, Essentials of Student Success of Robert S. Feldman (University of Massachusetts, Amhert). Are included in the course content description, the academic writing, style, and computer formatting… the time management, the note-taking and the use of the library, the choice of a topic and the necessary forms to be used in the presentation of the topic request and the research proposal and approval. Hence, the definition of the research problem, the hypothesis variables, the phases of a research process, the sampling techniques, data collection techniques, results presentation and discussion techniques, and the styles for presenting the references will be discussed according to APA style.


As an initiation course. The course introduces students to good ways of studying and doing research in an academic institution like AUCA. In sum, the Course of Study and Research Methods introduces the student to academic studies by teaching the student the organization of the material to learn. The student is called to be as creative as possible basing his efforts of study methods on what the instructor will elaborate with the student during all the class sessions. Books that highlight different ways/methods on how to study, will be available for students to use in class and outside of the classroom.

Strategic management focuses on the concept of strategy formulation and implementation by exploring the functions and nature of general management. The course serves as an opportunity to develop skills for strategic thinking and analysis, leadership, communication, teamwork, and cross-functional integration. Students learn about corporate and business planning and the implementation of organizational change through structures, systems and people. The approach adopted includes lectures, case analyses and action learning through group efforts.

Studying microcomputer applications is crucial in today's technological landscape as these small-scale computing devices are ubiquitous in daily life. These applications empower individuals and businesses to streamline processes, enhance productivity, and foster innovation. Understanding microcomputer applications provides essential skills for navigating modern software ecosystems, enabling users to efficiently manipulate data, create documents, and manage tasks. Moreover, as the backbone of diverse industries, from healthcare to finance, a proficiency in microcomputer applications is increasingly valued in the job market. Whether mastering spreadsheet software for data analysis or word processing for effective communication, such knowledge enhances one's digital literacy and adaptability. In essence, the study of microcomputer applications is an investment in practical, real-world skills that are integral to success in the information age.

This course deals with advanced financial accounting theory with problems in preparation and presentation of financial statements for corporations; joint ventures; branch accounts ; consignments and other agency selling; investment in securities (equity); preparation of consolidated financial statements; (group accounts and business combination); interpretation and analysis of financial statements.  Prerequisite: ACCT 224 Intermediate Accounting II

Course is aimed at study of the fundamentals of financial markets and financial instruments, the features of the formation of modern financial markets, on the practical application of financial instruments, the types of financial institutions and their roles and functions in the financial markets. And further covers areas concerned with financial institutions such as the stock market. The module creates an understanding on responsibilities of agents, brokers, institutions and intermediaries in issues of truncations in financial assets. It highlights the unique products, instruments, systems and laws surrounding the operation of these institutions and markets. With a clear understanding of these markets, then it is going to be fair way to understand and carry out informed decisions as far as investment and financing is concerned.

The course presents the study of the youthful psychology and various practical aspects of training the Adventist youth in evangelism and practical life, like organizing camps, and different professions.

This course aims to equip students with the theory of statistics as well as applied statistics 

The course is "Final Year Project".

The purpose of this course in the platform is to check for PLAGIARISM.

The course intends to give an introduction to Management concepts.  The objective of this course is to expose students to the theories of management, organizational theory, and the practice of management in contemporary organizations from a conceptual, analytical, and pragmatic perspective. The course is a study of how to be better managers and aims at developing skills and knowledge needed to successfully manage an organization.

The Course is theoretical and practical, it belongs to sub-area of Mathematics and Statistics, the purpose is to provide to students the basis of univariate and bivariate statistical analysis in order to prepare the students to present statistical information which should be used to make decision that affect our daily lives. The course deals with basic statistical principles; percentages, ratios, tables, chart, and graph, measures of central tendency, dispersion and location. skewness and kurtosis, probabilities, probability distributions, analysis of simple correlation and regression. The development of the course will be using SPSS

In this course, the students are expected to complete the introductory study of the Hebrew verb forms, and to write an exegesis paper on selected prose portions of the Hebrew Bible. Prerequisite BIBL 132. Biblical Hebrew I

This course is an Introductive and exegetic study of the Old Testament books. The History of the people of Israel from the conquest of Canaan to their return from Babylon exile and the reconstruction of Jerusalem are also dealt with. Prerequisite: RELB 314.

The course deals with an introduction and exegetic of the firsts books of the Old Testament. It deals with the origin, the historical background and the interpretation of the Pentateuch (creation and evolution, the sanctuary, and the covenant) Prerequisite: BIBL 132. Biblical Hebrew I

The course introduces the student to the study of the major religions of the world, namely: Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and African Traditional Religion. The course surveys the beliefs and practices as they are taught and observed. The emphasis is on how the teachings, beliefs and practices are manifested in Africa.

The study and research methods’ content includes the whole content of the book: P O W E R —Learning and Your Life, Essentials of Student Success of Robert S. Feldman (University of Massachusetts, Amhert). Are included in the course content description, the academic writing, style, and computer formatting… the time management, the note-taking and the use of the library, the choice of a topic and the necessary forms to be used in the presentation of the topic request and the research proposal and approval. Hence, the definition of the research problem, the hypothesis variables, the phases of a research process, the sampling techniques, data collection techniques, results presentation and discussion techniques, and the styles for presenting the references will be discussed according to APA style.


As an initiation course. The course introduces students to good ways of studying and doing research in an academic institution like AUCA. In sum, the Course of Study and Research Methods introduces the student to academic studies by teaching the student the organization of the material to learn. The student is called to be as creative as possible basing his efforts of study methods on what the instructor will elaborate with the student during all the class sessions. Books that highlight different ways/methods on how to study, will be available for students to use in class and outside of the classroom.

The study and research methods’ content includes the whole content of the book: P O W E R —Learning and Your Life, Essentials of Student Success of Robert S. Feldman (University of Massachusetts, Amhert). Are included in the course content description, the academic writing, style, and computer formatting… the time management, the note-taking and the use of the library, the choice of a topic and the necessary forms to be used in the presentation of the topic request and the research proposal and approval. Hence, the definition of the research problem, the hypothesis variables, the phases of a research process, the sampling techniques, data collection techniques, results presentation and discussion techniques, and the styles for presenting the references will be discussed according to APA style.


As an initiation course. The course introduces students to good ways of studying and doing research in an academic institution like AUCA. In sum, the Course of Study and Research Methods introduces the student to academic studies by teaching the student the organization of the material to learn. The student is called to be as creative as possible basing his efforts of study methods on what the instructor will elaborate with the student during all the class sessions. Books that highlight different ways/methods on how to study, will be available for students to use in class and outside of the classroom.

The study and research methods’ content includes the whole content of the book: P O W E R —Learning and Your Life, Essentials of Student Success of Robert S. Feldman (University of Massachusetts, Amhert). Are included in the course content description, the academic writing, style, and computer formatting… the time management, the note-taking and the use of the library, the choice of a topic and the necessary forms to be used in the presentation of the topic request and the research proposal and approval. Hence, the definition of the research problem, the hypothesis variables, the phases of a research process, the sampling techniques, data collection techniques, results presentation and discussion techniques, and the styles for presenting the references will be discussed according to APA style.


As an initiation course. The course introduces students to good ways of studying and doing research in an academic institution like AUCA. In sum, the Course of Study and Research Methods introduces the student to academic studies by teaching the student the organization of the material to learn. The student is called to be as creative as possible basing his efforts of study methods on what the instructor will elaborate with the student during all the class sessions. Books that highlight different ways/methods on how to study, will be available for students to use in class and outside of the classroom.

This course seeks to understand the message of Acts by examining the origin and purpose, the theology, and the preaching and teaching of Acts. Special emphasis is given to using the book of Acts in understanding church growth. The Course studies also the Epistle of Paul to Romans. Lectures will cover in browsing the content of the book. Since the book of the Romans defines the Gospel at its best, a particular attention and emphasis will be given to Pauline teaching on the theme such as Justification, Righteousness by faith as presented in the above Epistles.